How Many Cavitation Treatments Do You Need to Reduce Fat?

Losing fat can be frustrating, especially when dieting and exercising don't seem to work.  

Sometimes, even if you work hard enough, certain areas of your body, like back fat, love handles, and cellulite, can be tough to lose. If you find yourself in this position and nothing seems to help, ultrasonic fat cavitation is what you need now!

Ultrasonic fat cavitation treatment is a body contouring procedure that helps you lose fat quickly. Unlike surgery targeting only one area, ultrasonic cavitation machine can work on any body part with stubborn fat. It's a painless and safe procedure to lose fat, especially in tricky areas like thighs, hips, buttocks, and love handles.

Ultrasonic fat cavitation treatment

In this article, we will learn more about fat cavitation treatment, its benefits, how often it can be performed, how many ultrasonic cavitation treatments are needed, and other associated factors with it.

Understanding of Fat Cavitation and The Treatment

Let's have a detailed look at fat cavitation treatment.

What is Fat Cavitation?

Fat cavitation, or Lipo cavitation, is an innovative way to contour your body effortlessly. It helps melt away fat and causes you to lose centimeters immediately.

Moreover, it is an FDA-approved method for body contouring, which makes it an appealing procedure (1).

A 2018 report by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery found that non-invasive methods for fat reduction are becoming more and more popular among the general population than surgical methods. Also the report says that ultrasound cavitation is expected to grow significantly by 2026 as a body sculpting procedure (2). It is because of the safety and less associated side effects of this non-invasive method.

How Does Fat Cavitation Work?

The working theory of cavitation machine is simple. Special low-frequency ultrasound waves break fat cells under the skin during the fat cavitation procedure.

These waves cause disruptive vibrations, put pressure on the fat cells, and turn them into liquid. Then, your body naturally removes this liquid fat through its cleaning systems, such as the lymphatic system and liver.

Fat cavitation can be done in areas like the stomach, sides, thighs, buttocks, and arms.

What are The Benefits of Fat Cavitation?

Here are a few good cavitation benefits about using ultrasound fat cavitation therapy:

  1. You get rid of stubborn body fat:

You can get your stubborn body fat removed without any surgery.

In a small study from 2019, researchers discovered that obese women who got the ultrasound cavitation treatment lost body fat, even though they didn't drop more pounds overall (3).

  1. Safe for your body:

Unlike surgery, low-frequency ultrasound waves in fat cavitation do not hurt your skin or leave scars. It only targets fat cells, leaving other tissues unharmed.

  1. Quick and easy:

The treatment usually lasts 40 minutes to an hour, depending on which part of your body is being treated.

There's no downtime, and you just need to drink water after the treatment.

  1. No pain, just warmth:

You might feel a little warm sensation during the treatment, but it's not painful. Most people find it relaxing and comfortable.

  1. Good for any skin:

Fat cavitation works well with all skin types; it won't hurt your skin, no matter its texture or color.

But if you have any cuts or sores where you want treatment, your doctor will wait until they're healed.

  1. Targets different body areas:

This treatment offers versatility in targeting stubborn fat from various body areas. Whether it's your belly, thighs, buttocks, back, chin, or upper arms, this treatment can effectively address your concerns.

  1. Non-invasive approach

Unlike surgical procedures like liposuction, this method doesn't involve anesthesia, blood, or bandages.

  1. Immediate results with long-term benefits

Lipo cavitation gives you immediate and visible results. Some people notice a difference right after the first session, while the best results may become apparent in as little as three days.

  1. Effective solution for body transformation

Ultrasound fat cavitation helps you reshape your body, reduce cellulite, and boost your confidence.

How Many Inches Can I Lose After the Body Cavitation Treatment?

After the first treatment, you might lose around 1 to 2 inches; after successive sessions, you could lose up to 2 inches more.

How Many Inches Can I Lose

How Often Can You Do Cavitation?

Just like other body treatments, giving your body time to rest after cavitation therapy is essential to get the best results.

Even though your skin doesn't need to heal, your body needs time to process the fat cells and toxins. So, knowing how often you should get cavitation done is essential.

Usually, doctors recommend waiting a week between cavitation sessions on the same body area. But if you're treating different regions, you can do sessions more often, even multiple times a week.

How Many Cavitation Sessions Are Needed?

The number of fat reduction sessions you need can be different for everyone. It depends on where you want to remove fat, how much extra fat you have, your body type, and what results you want. Usually, you'll need to have several sessions to get the best results.

However, it is best to have at least 6 to 12 cavitation sessions in a row, followed by a 4-week break. Wait 72 hours between each session.

The Factors That Influence Your Cavitation Treatments

Let's see what factors affect the body cavitation process:

  1. Treatment Areas:Your body parts have different fat compositions. For example, your thighs and love handles have more fat than your arms or legs. So, the cavitation therapy response would be different for these body parts.
  2. Fat Cell Quantity: You will need more cavitation sessions for the areas with more fat cell quantity.
  3. Types of Fat Cells:There are different types of fat cells, such as white or brown fat cells. Both respond differently to cavitation treatments.
  1. Thickness of The Fat Layer:Thicker layers of fat may require more cavitation treatment sessions to break down compared to thinner layers.
  2. Treatment Expectation:An ideal candidate for fat cavitation is the one with realistic expectations. If you have unrealistic expectations and think of fat cavitation as a magic bullet, you will probably be dissatisfied with the results.
  3. Diet and Lifestyle:A 2021 study found that combining ultrasonic cavitation with aerobic exercises and a low-fat diet is an effective way to lose weight rather than relying on either method (4).
  4. Stress and Mental Health:Prolonged stress increases cortisol (the stress hormone) levels in the body to an unnatural level. This hormone causes unhealthy coping mechanisms, like overeating, which may counteract the effects of the cavitation treatment.

What Should You Prepare Before Your Cavitation Treatment?

Here are some essential things to consider before your Fat Cavitation treatment:

  1. Do not eat a large meal one hour before your treatment.
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before and after your treatment.
  3. Avoid coffee and fatty foods on the day of your treatment and afterward.
  4. For two weeks before your appointment, don't get laser hair removal, laser treatment, or other similar treatments in the same area where you'll have your ultrasound cavitation treatment.
  5. If your skin is red, irritated, or has cuts, doctors can't perform fat cavitation until it heals completely.
  6. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, this treatment isn't suitable for you.
  7. Inform your doctor if you're taking medication that thins your blood or makes your skin sensitive to light.
  8. To get good results, you need to have a healthy diet and lifestyle, including drinking at least 2 liters of water daily.
  9. Follow a diet low in fat and carbs, and drink at least 2 liters of water 24 hours before treatment.
  10. After your treatment, drink 2-3 liters of water daily for three days.


Different body sculpting technologies are becoming popular in the beauty industry. One of the most popular procedures is ultrasonic fat cavitation.

It is quick and effective and gives you instant results. People who try ultrasonic cavitation often notice changes sooner than other methods like cryolipolysis.

Sometimes, noticing small changes is hard when you see yourself every day.

To keep track of how you're doing, take pictures.

Taking pictures before and after the treatment every week or two can help you see the progress.

Frequently Ask Question

Will The Fee Be Based on Cavitation Treatments?

Ultrasonic cavitation is usually cheaper than regular liposuction. The price depends on which part of your body you're treating and if you need more than one session. However, on average, it's about $250–$350 per session.

Will More Treatments Be More Dangerous?

No, having more cavitation treatments doesn't make them more dangerous, as long as they're done by a professional and follow safety guidelines.

However, having too many ultrasonic cavitation treatments can cause few side effects like sensitive skin, bruises, or pain. It's best to stick to the treatment plan your doctor suggests and eat healthy.

Does The Number of Sessions Affect The Duration of The Effect?

Yes, the number of sessions can affect how long the treatment's effects last. Generally, a series of sessions is recommended to achieve optimal results. The more sessions you have, the better and longer-lasting the effects may be.


  1. Center for Devices and Radiological Health. (2022b, July 12). Non-invasive body contouring technologies. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
  2. ASPS National Clearinghouse of Plastic Surgery  Procedural Statistics. (2018). 2018 plastic surgery statistics report. The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.
  3. Arabpour-Dahoue, M., Mohammadzadeh, E., Avan, A., Nezafati, P., Nasrfard, S., Ghazizadeh, H., Mehramiz, M., Safarian, M., Nematy, M., Jarahi, L., Ferns, G. A., Norouzy, A., & Ghayour-Mobarhan, M. (2019). Leptin level decreases after treatment with the combination of Radiofrequency and Ultrasound cavitation in response to reduced adiposity. Diabetes & metabolic syndrome, 13(2), 1137–1140.
  4. Abdelhamid , E., El-Kosery, S., Kamel , H., & El Refaye, G. (2021b). EFFECT OF ULTRASONIC CAVITATION ON ABDOMINAL OBESITY IN. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

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