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Top 10 S Shape Machine Exercises for Full-Body Fitness

Are you a fitness freak looking to maintain your physical appearance? Or, are you a new fitness enthusiast trying to gain the ideal body shape? Either way, you will need to either join a gym or get the essential equipment at home. 

But both methods are not as cost-effective as getting an S shape machine. It is a flexible fitness accessory that can help you with various exercises.

So, what are the S shape machine exercises? Let’s explore them in detail in this comprehensive guide.

5 Key Benefits of Full-Body Exercises

Full-body exercises have an edge over split-body ones, especially for newbies. The following benefits explain why:

1. Better Burning of Calories

A full-body exercise is comparatively more efficient in burning calories than split-body exercises. The latter requires working on different areas, shifting the focus. Alternatively, full-body exercises can burn about 100 calories in only 10 minutes. If you want to reduce weight, it is a more time-saving approach.

2. Higher Strength

Strength training and explosiveness are the core of full-body exercises. They offer higher building and functional strength while improving your body simultaneously. These exercises are targeted towards reducing weight and making one stronger. That’s why most athletes prefer these activities for superior performance.

3. More Balance & Coordination

Full-body exercises are ideal if you want to improve your body’s balance. They make you agile and coordinated by giving you the ultimate control of your body. These exercises strengthen and balance your muscle with dynamic movements, like overheads and press throws.

4. Superior Flexibility

Note that flexibility plays a crucial role in building your body. Full-body exercises aim to make your body more flexible with dynamic activities. As a result, your joints and muscles feel significantly higher flexibility than before.

5. Suitable for Home

Full-body exercises are more suitable for people who complete their workout routine at home. These activities don’t require advanced training techniques or equipment, minimizing the chances of injuries. Also, these are more friendly for a newbie looking to lose fat and focus on muscle building.

Top 10 S Shape Machine Exercises

Now, you understand the benefits of full-body exercises. You don’t keep to get a lot of gym equipment at home. Make sure to get the safety kit and an S shape machine to get started.

Here are the top 10 S shape machine exercises you should know!

1. Leg Press with S Shape Machine

The leg press is a popular exercise, commonly a part of the “leg day” in the gym. It requires the person to push the weight away by moving the legs continuously. This exercise is common to enhance the leg muscles with resistance training. It works on its dedicated “leg press machine,” but you can perform it on the S shape machine as well.

You only need to select the Legs Slimming section and turn it On with a simple tap. Now, follow the on-screen instructions and monitor the timer. You can change the machine’s power for a harder challenge as you progress.

2. Lat Pulldown on the S Shape Machine

The lat pulldown is a useful exercise for different parts of your body, including the largest back muscle, biceps, and traps. It develops higher strength in various muscles of your body simultaneously. Its machine comes with a handle and a weight selector. You have to slightly lean back and pull the handle down to your chest.

However, this exercise is significantly easier with an S shape machine. It is available in the Arms Slimming section, requiring you to follow the instructional video and set the timer.

3. Chest Press on the S Shape Machine

A chest press exercise traditionally requires a rod with weights on both sides. It may have different workout variations, ranging from incline and decline bench presses to dumbbell fly and floor presses. The muscle targeting of the chest press is the triceps, deltoids, and pectorals. At the same time, it increases your muscle tissue, enhancing your overall strength.

Performing this exercise on an S shape machine is significantly easier. It comes built-in, like other arms, legs, and waist exercises. You only need to select the muscle you want to build, and the machine will help you with the rest.

4. Seated Row on the S Shape Machine

The seated row’s primary targetted muscles are the middle back, should blades, upper arm frontal, shoulders, neck, and upper back. You may sit with bent knees on the bench, extend your arms, and grip the handle firmly. Pull the cable via your shoulders while keeping your elbows tucked.

The S shape machine’s ultrasound energy works effectively on targeting muscles of the seated row. It massages your body while enhancing its strength and muscle build.

5. Glute Bridge on the S Shape Machine

Glute bridge is a comparatively simpler exercise that can be done at home. It requires no additional equipment or machine. Simply lay down on your back, thrust your hips upward, and monitor the time. As the name suggests, it maximizes the body glute’s strength.
However, an S shape machine makes this exercise 10 times easier. It understands the importance of your back health and waist. Thus, you can find the instructional video for this exercise and start working out.

6. Shoulder Press on the S Shape Machine

As you may expect, a should press exercise focuses on the upper body, notably the shoulders. It has many variations, including Arnold, alternative, single-arm, neutral, seated, standing, and seated barbell dumbbell/shoulder press. While their procedures may slightly differ, the primary mechanism is similar.

An S shape machine introduces shoulder exercises in its Arms Slimming section. You can change the power, which is the alternative to weight. Move the device around your shoulders gently as the timer continues.

7. Bicep Curl on the S Shape Machine

The bicep curl is one of the most popular weight training. It mainly focuses on the upper arm while enhancing the overall strength. You will need two dumbbells to slowly curl each individually by bending your elbow. The key is to keep your elbows close to the body.

An S shape machine integrates the bicep muscle building in its Arms Slimming section. You can select it and start working out using the machine’s ultraviolet rays.

8. Tricep Pushdown on the S Shape Machine

As the name suggests, this exercise is for the triceps, particularly their lateral and medial heads. It tones the back arm muscles and increases their balance. This exercise has many variations, including V-handle, reverse grip, rope, and single-arm tricep pushdowns.

The S shape machine simplifies this workout for newbies by providing a tutorial video. Additionally, it allows you to set the power depending on your level. Monitor the timer to see your progress.

9. Abdominal Crunch

The abdominal crunch is geared towards abdominal muscles, enhancing one’s core muscles, balance, and coordination. It is a full-body workout that is simpler than most other exercises. You must crunch your ribs towards the pelvis while keeping the neck straight simultaneously. Maintain this position for a while and lower down gradually.

Since this is an abdominal-related exercise, you will find it under the S machine’s Waist Slimming section.

10. Calf Raise Using S Shape Machine

Calf raise is an excellent fitness exercise for the soleus muscle. It improves calves’ strength, body balance, and muscle growth. This exercise has many variations, ranging from single-leg and standing calf raises to seated, farmer’s walk, and donkey raises.

The S shape gym machine workouts are more manageable, and the calf raise is no exception. It works by selecting the legs section and running the device gradually on your legs. Make sure to remove any metal from starting the machine.

The Ultimate Full-body Workout Routine Sample

Now, you might be convinced to start the full-body workout. While it may be challenging at the start, you will get the hang of it. The top 10 exercises mentioned in this guide are the essentials. But that doesn’t mean you should buy expensive gym equipment. You can do the complete full-body workout using S shape machine. Here’s the sample workout routine you need to follow:

Week 1

1st Day



Chest Press



Leg Press



Abdominal Crunch



Shoulder Press



Glute Bridge




2nd Day



Chest/Bench Press



Shoulder Press



Tricep Pushdown



Seated Rows



Calf Raise




3rd Day



Chest Press



Leg Press



Abdominal Crunch



Shoulder Press



Glute Bridge




Week 2

1st Day



Chest/Bench Press



Shoulder Press



Tricep Pushdown



Seated Rows



Calf Raise




2nd Day



Chest Press



Leg Press



Abdominal Crunch



Shoulder Press



Glute Bridge




3rd Day



Chest/Bench Press



Shoulder Press



Tricep Pushdown



Seated Rows



Calf Raise



Things to Consider

Here are a few things to note about this full-body workout routine:

  • Warm up before every session with chin-ups, high knees, and glute kicks.
  • Create and follow a diet plan based on your goals with proper nutrition and recovery.
  • If you can do more than 8 sets, double the following week's progression rate for that specific exercise.
  • Use an app or the S shape machine’s built-in timer for fitness progress tracking.
  • Don’t increase the weight immediately; let your body get used to it.


And that’s how you can utilize the S shape machine for your full-body workout. It includes the essential settings and exercises to maintain your body muscles. Moreover, it can replace your expensive gym equipment by providing a one-stop solution at home. You can get the best S shape machines in a wide variety from MyChway.

Remember that all the machines and exercises can only help you get better fitness. The key to remaining physically fit and strong is consistency combined with dedication.

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